Report from the 22nd Germany hospital controller day on May 8, 2015

On May 8, 2015 Heidemarie Hille, Director of aerophelia ltd., held a lecture on the 22nd German hospital Controller day in Potsdam focussing on “innovative purchasing management”. She called for a structured procurement management in hospitals, as this affects, among other things, also the budget control, liquidity planning and management, the products and services, the quality and, ultimately, the employee satisfaction.

Heidemarie Hille, Director aerophelia ltd., with Lothar Wienböker, KKC-Förderverein, Director Dachverbandes der Gesundheitsförderverbände
Heidemarie Hille, Director aerophelia ltd., with Lothar Wienböker, KKC-Förderverein, Director Dachverbandes der Gesundheitsförderverbände
Heidemarie Hille, Director aerophelia ltd., during her lecture on the Controller day 2015
Heidemarie Hille, Director aerophelia ltd., during her lecture on the Controller day 2015
from left: Lothar Wienböker (KKC-Förderverein, Director Dachverbandes der Gesundheitsförderverbände), Heidemarie Hille (Director aerophelia ltd.), Manfred Kindler (Kindler International Division, CEO) and Kerstin Wiktor (Pumacy Technologies AG, Business Development & Innovationsmanagement)
from left: Lothar Wienböker (KKC-Förderverein, Director Dachverbandes der Gesundheitsförderverbände), Heidemarie Hille (Director aerophelia ltd.), Manfred Kindler (Kindler International Division, CEO) and Kerstin Wiktor (Pumacy Technologies AG, Business Development & Innovationsmanagement)

Source pictures: Private

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Report to the lecture on the 22nd Germany hospital Controller day